
Donnerstag, 3. August 2006

What now?

Well, the code is (more or less) debugged. The runs are going. What is left to do?


ah right. There was something. Right. The thesis. Perhaps I should start thinking about possibly considering the possibility of getting back to writing... Haven't written anything in at least two weeks. It is about time.


I'll start with taking a shower.

Montag, 7. November 2005

Oh dear...

Don't you ever go out
When was the last time you were out
Have you ever been out
Oh dear

Is something wrong with the air
Since you can't breathe in here
How long have you held your breath
Oh dear

What is closing you in
Must be a giant dream
It's not your life we have seen
Oh dear

Don't let your choices be
Hopes you still can't feel
All was given for free
My dear

- Sophie Zelmani

Samstag, 15. Oktober 2005

Great Wisdom

A few simple but wise words in Jim Jarmusch's Broken Flowers:
The past is gone.
The future isn't here yet.
All there is, is this

Freitag, 12. August 2005

Dates good to remember

Seen her last on July 10, 2005.

Separated on July 24, 2005.

We are hitting the 3-weeks mark soon.

Donnerstag, 11. August 2005

My solution to annoyingly low temperature in the bathroom:

fakir friend

Dienstag, 9. August 2005


Another day gone by. Got up pretty late (did not sleep well at all). Tried to watch the Discovery landing. But the weather was too bad and they did not attempt to land. Went to work, spent some time at work staring at my laptop screen with de-focussed eyes. Went back home. From there straight to the local district green party HQ to discuss the activities in the big election campaign going on. Went back home, got me started on beer.


Oh. I found out that mesh refinement ruins my wave signals. Whenever the shock reaches a coarser grid, the wave signal gets just a bit more noisy. Fun. Now trying a fifth order scheme that Ian implemented. The shen runs still don't work the way they should. Switching to the Garching Ye and profile data made things worse. Also Jim Wilson submitted a crack-pot paper on SN theory to astro-ph today. Fun fun fun.

Sonntag, 31. Juli 2005


what does a young supernovatheorist do on a saturday night in berlin when all his cool non-astrophysics friends are out of town or busy doing boring things?

yes. that's right. he calls up one of his geek astrophysics (in the particular case, numerical relativity) friends to go out to Prenzlauer Berg and have a couple of drinks.

the thing started out on Kastanienallee in Cafe Morgenrot (which is one of those co-op run bars you find in/around berlin). there was an interlude at a private party that we somewhat gate crashed. finally we ended up at Rosis in Friedrichshain.

back home at 6.30 a.m.

Samstag, 30. Juli 2005

First Entry

I hereby welcome myself to this new attempt at blogging. We'll see how long it will last!

Doing Supernova Theory in Moabeat. YEAH!

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