not so regular bullshit

Montag, 9. Januar 2006

Burger Tasting Berlin 1

It sounds a bit strange, but recently my girlfriend and I have really gotten into Burgers. Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Bacon Cheeseburgers [...]. I am not talking about the kind of off-the-shelves burger you get at standard fast-food places. I am talking about REAL (American, if you like) burgers with homefries and coleslaw.

Since I (apparently) have nothing else to blog about, I will be covering our burger tasting tour that will commence tomorrow with Jimmy's Diner in Wilmersdorf. Honestly, I can't wait to dig into one of those yummy burgers...

I'll keep you updated on our tasting tour and, of course, on how we liked the burgers!

Samstag, 10. September 2005


Talk went well. Not perfect. Better than okay-ish, though.

Ah. And just a reminder for the future. There is no point in trying to meet women. They are all (a) attached or (b) like only women or (c) not attached (less than a third of all women in my age group are not attached), but really don't like me. So: No hope?

Montag, 5. September 2005

I simply do not

understand why

eine Koalition grosser deutscher Fernsehsender Merkel als die Gewinnerin des "TV-Duells" sehen will. Es war so offensichtlich, dass Schroeder Merkel rhetorisch und inhaltlich um Laengen ueberlegen war. Uebrigens bestaetigt von der an das "Duell" anschliessenden "repraesentativen" Umfrage.

Was soll das werden? "Meinungsbildung"? Will eine Koalition aus ARD, ZDF, RTL und Sat 1 Merkel als Kanzerlin? Wieso?

Persoenliche Meinung:
Guenther Jauch ist ein Arschloch

Sonntag, 7. August 2005


One of my most fundamental fears, perhaps even THE most fundamental fear I have, is the fear of being alone.


My relationship is gone.
My roommate is somewhere on the Florida Golf Coast.
My friends are scattered around the globe.

I need someone close to me. Someone accesible to talk to.

World weariness now.

Freitag, 5. August 2005


this is my new life. forced upon me. by the relationship we ruined. life could be so great, so easy, if things were different. they aren't. mistrust kills feeling. no love can be strong enough to overcome what lies between us. Ein fuer alle mal: ich liebe dich. und mit ebensolcher ueberzeugung: es geht nicht mit uns; es wird niemals gehen. ich traue dir nicht ueber den weg. ich will mehr sein als einer von vielen faktoren in deinem leben. mehr; bedeutender. this will never be. an dieser stelle bleibt nur einsicht. und vermissen. schier unmoeglich die vorstellung: this is it. kein weiter an diesem ende. der blick wird starr.

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