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Samstag, 15. Oktober 2005

Cicero vs. Otto vs. Cicero

Tom pointed me to this Zeit Article that gives important background information concerning the recent Cicero Affair. It turns out that Otto Schily has a point and that free speech and press rights were never at stake in this particular case.

Sonntag, 18. September 2005

Election Day

Today is Election Day. Die Umfragen/Meinungsbilder sind nicht eindeutig, aber ich habe das ungute Gefuehl, dass die Mehrheit im neuen Bundestag schwarz-gelb aussehen wird. Muss ich also demnaechst Angela und Guido zuwinken, wenn ich am Kanzleramt vorbeijogge? Sollte ich meine Laufroute aendern? Was wird sich noch veraendern? Gibt's bald wieder mehr Atomstrom? Und auch mehr "Krieg gegen den Terror"? Noch mehr Luegen ueber Lohnnebenkosten?

Na ja. Ihr wollt es nicht anders! Ein Volk bekommt die Regierung, die es verdient, nicht? Es zeugt jedenfalls nicht von grosser Weitsicht, wenn man versucht, den Teufel (Hartz VI+Neolib-SPD/Gruene) mit dem Belzebub (Kopfpauschalen-Kirchoff-Steuer-CDU/CSU/FDP) auszutreiben. Anyway. Innerhalb kuerzester Zeit werdet ihr wieder unzufrieden sein und bei Landtagswahl schoen Rot-Gruen waehlen. Spaetestens 2007 ist dann Schwarz-Gelb genauso handlungsunfaehig, wie jetzt Rot-Gruen. Gratulation!

Mittwoch, 7. September 2005


I just found out the they screwed up the programme... I have a 30 minute slot now, my boss only 15 minutes.

Can this be? This must be a mistake, right? TELL ME that this is a mistake.

Samstag, 3. September 2005

Saturday Morning

Another Saturday morning. I have gotten used to waking up alone on saturday mornings. No big deal. But still... If you happen to have a partner then make sure to spend the first morning of the weekend with him/her.

I have to give a talk. I am very nervous about the talk. It might be the most important talk of my entire career to day. It may very well determine if I will have anything close to a successful career in the future. A fair number of almost-nobel-laureates will be in the audience. I have to talk about my thesis work. About all the things I have done the course of the last two years. The talk is next thursday around midday. I am already nervous....

The other day, Koko and I went to the Wannsee/Havel beach. Here is the story: stay away from grandma's apple cookies! :D

Mittwoch, 24. August 2005


So Harry is visiting. We are trying to get that damn EOS working with arbitrary initial profiles. Does not look good at this point. Harry's code is running off the table even before bounce when using the Marquina solver and shortly after bounce when using the HLLE solver. All runs are pure hydro at this point.

Tomorrow morning we will go see the Goya exhibt at the Alte Nationalgalerie. Then more work and then some sort of "blind date" in the evening. I'll keep you updated.

Montag, 22. August 2005

Yeah, okay...

Okay. A couple of things happening today:
  • The Spin Paper will get submitted to ApJ and astro-ph today!
  • Around 10 p.m. Harry will show up at my place. He'll stay until Thrusday evening
  • Before Harry get's here I have to clean Max's room and move Max into my room. Not sure if he'll like it.
  • I might even clean the windows in Max's room. But I am not sure if I need/want to do it...
  • I really, really need to get my desk at the institute in better shape...
Update on other stuff:
  • Multipole 16x3 run seems to be going pathologic :-/
  • Something is wrong with the derivatives and the speed of sound in my EOS tables :-(

Mittwoch, 17. August 2005


Returned to Moabeat this early afternoon. I am now getting ready - surprise! - to once again start working on / fixing the Spinpaper. Fun Fun Fun.

No drugs or alcohol until it's done!

Dienstag, 16. August 2005


I think I found a bug in my bisection routine for the temperature search in the EOS. I don't yet know how to fix it. I will keep you updated...

Anyway. It's my mother's birthday and my birthday surprise went really well :-)

Montag, 15. August 2005


...off to Frankfurt (3eich, to be precise) until Wednesday noon. Will be in e-mail/web contact starting tomorrow morning.

In trying to fix the spinpaper, I think I made it worse. Spent 12 hours yesterday working on it.

Freitag, 12. August 2005

Better News!

Okay. I seem to have localized the problem. There's also a cure at hand.

What has happened is the following: Since I usually use 32^3 grid points per refinement level in octant mode, information from all coarse grid points is needed for prolongation into the refined region (when using full Berger-Oliger; which I am). So in the run in question, the simulation screwed up on the coarsest grid and the faulty data got prolongated onto finer grids and spread there. BANG.

The only way to cure this is to use bigger grids. 40 zones in one direction in octant, 80 in bitant mode.

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